Here you'll find my solutions to leet code problems I've worked on.
Here you'll find my solutions to leet code problems I've worked on.
Max Path Sum of Binary Tree (Hard)
# Zach Santangelo
# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
# def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
# self.val = val
# self.left = left
# self.right = right
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
self.Tmax = -999999 #max path for the whole tree
def maxPathSum(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
#combination of lowest common ancestor only we want to find the max val path
if(root==None): return root
def childSum(self,root): #returns the sum of max child path plus itself
return None
leftsum = childSum(self,root.left)
rightsum = childSum(self,root.right)
maxChildSum = -9999999#val to return after checking current path mag
pathsum = -999999
if(leftsum!=None and rightsum!=None):
pathsum = leftsum + rightsum + root.val#current node's max path
maxChildSum=max(leftsum,rightsum) #choose largest
elif(leftsum == None and rightsum != None):
maxChildSum = rightsum
pathsum = maxChildSum+root.val
elif(leftsum != None and rightsum == None):
maxChildSum = leftsum
pathsum = maxChildSum+root.val
maxChildSum = 0#dont add or subtract
pathsum = root.val
print(maxChildSum, root.val)
if(pathsum > self.Tmax):
self.Tmax = pathsum
return maxChildSum + root.val #give parent max single path
return self.Tmax
# Zach Santangelo
class Solution(object):
def groupAnagrams(self, strs):
:type strs: List[str]
:rtype: List[List[str]]
#list of dictionaries of letters
dicts = {}
for word in strs:# for each word
alphaWord = ''.join(sorted(word)) #sort the word alphabetically
dicts[alphaWord].append(word)#append the anagram to alphaWord Key
ret = []
for key, value in dicts.items():
ret.append([])#add a new sublist
for word in value:#add values from key to sublist
reti=reti+1 #increment to next sublist
return ret
# Zach Santangelo
class Solution(object):
def isValid(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: bool
roundbrace = 0
curlybrace = 0
squarebrace = 0
for brace in s:
#adding if we are opening braces
if(brace == "("):
roundbrace = roundbrace + 1
if(brace == "["):
squarebrace = squarebrace + 1
if(brace == "{"):
curlybrace = curlybrace + 1
#if there are other kinds of open braces yet to be closed, fails.
if(brace == ")"):
if(squarebrace!=0 and curlybrace!=0):
return False
else: roundbrace = roundbrace - 1
if(brace == "]"):
if(roundbrace!=0 and curlybrace!=0):
return False
else: squarebrace = squarebrace - 1
if(brace == "}"):
if(squarebrace!=0 and roundbrace!=0):
return False
else: curlybrace = curlybrace - 1
#if no failures, return true
return True
#Zach Santangelo
class Solution:
def solve(self, row, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor):
# Base Case
if (row < 0 or row >= n or col < 0 or col >= m or image[row][col] != oldColor or (row,col) in visited):
return False;
#visited[row][col] = True;
visited.add((row, col))
#depth first, finds explores all avs before returning to numIslands for it to check next possible set of ij routes
#Move Top
top = self.solve(row - 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Right
right = self.solve (row, col + 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Down
down = self.solve(row + 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Left
left = self.solve(row, col - 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
if(not top and not right and not down and not left):
return True
def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, color: int) -> List[List[int]]:
n = len(image)
m = len(image[0])
oldColor = image[sr][sc]
visited = set()
if(self.solve(sr, sc, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)):#depth first
return image
#Zach Santangelo
class Solution:
def solve(self, row, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor):
# Base Case
if (row < 0 or row >= n or col < 0 or col >= m or image[row][col] != oldColor or (row,col) in visited):
return False;
#visited[row][col] = True;
visited.add((row, col))
#depth first, finds explores all avs before returning to numIslands for it to check next possible set of ij routes
#Move Top
top = self.solve(row - 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Right
right = self.solve (row, col + 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Down
down = self.solve(row + 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Left
left = self.solve(row, col - 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
if(not top and not right and not down and not left):
return True
def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, color: int) -> List[List[int]]:
n = len(image)
m = len(image[0])
oldColor = image[sr][sc]
visited = set()
if(self.solve(sr, sc, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)):#depth first
return image
#Zach Santangelo
class Solution:
def solve(self, row, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor):
# Base Case
if (row < 0 or row >= n or col < 0 or col >= m or image[row][col] != oldColor or (row,col) in visited):
return False;
#visited[row][col] = True;
visited.add((row, col))
#depth first, finds explores all avs before returning to numIslands for it to check next possible set of ij routes
#Move Top
top = self.solve(row - 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Right
right = self.solve (row, col + 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Down
down = self.solve(row + 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
#Move Left
left = self.solve(row, col - 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
if(not top and not right and not down and not left):
return True
def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, color: int) -> List[List[int]]:
n = len(image)
m = len(image[0])
oldColor = image[sr][sc]
visited = set()
if(self.solve(sr, sc, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)):#depth first
return image