LeetCode Solutions

Here you'll find my solutions to leet code problems I've worked on.

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Max Path Sum of Binary Tree (Hard)

        # Zach Santangelo
        # https://leetcode.com/problems/binary-tree-maximum-path-sum/
        # Definition for a binary tree node.
        # class TreeNode:
        #     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
        #         self.val = val
        #         self.left = left
        #         self.right = right
        class Solution:    
            def __init__(self):
                self.Tmax = -999999 #max path for the whole tree
            def maxPathSum(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:    
                #combination of lowest common ancestor only we want to find the max val path        
                if(root==None): return root
                def childSum(self,root): #returns the sum of max child path plus itself            
                        return None
                    leftsum = childSum(self,root.left)
                    rightsum = childSum(self,root.right)
                    maxChildSum = -9999999#val to return after checking current path mag
                    pathsum = -999999
                    if(leftsum!=None and rightsum!=None):
                        pathsum = leftsum + rightsum + root.val#current node's max path
                        maxChildSum=max(leftsum,rightsum) #choose largest 
                    elif(leftsum == None and rightsum != None):
                        maxChildSum = rightsum
                        pathsum = maxChildSum+root.val
                    elif(leftsum != None and rightsum == None):
                        maxChildSum = leftsum
                        pathsum = maxChildSum+root.val
                        maxChildSum = 0#dont add or subtract
                        pathsum = root.val
                    print(maxChildSum, root.val)
                    if(pathsum > self.Tmax):
                        self.Tmax = pathsum
                    return maxChildSum + root.val #give parent max single path
                return self.Tmax

Group Anagrams (Medium)

        # Zach Santangelo
        # https://leetcode.com/problems/group-anagrams/
        class Solution(object):
            def groupAnagrams(self, strs):
                :type strs: List[str]
                :rtype: List[List[str]]
                #list of dictionaries of letters 
                dicts = {}
                for word in strs:# for each word            
                    alphaWord = ''.join(sorted(word)) #sort the word alphabetically
                        dicts[alphaWord].append(word)#append the anagram to alphaWord Key
                ret = []
                for key, value in dicts.items():
                    ret.append([])#add a new sublist
                    for word in value:#add values from key to sublist
                    reti=reti+1 #increment to next sublist
                return ret

Valid Parenthesis (Easy)

        # Zach Santangelo
        # https://leetcode.com/problems/valid-parentheses/
        class Solution(object):
            def isValid(self, s):
                :type s: str
                :rtype: bool
                roundbrace = 0
                curlybrace = 0
                squarebrace = 0
                for brace in s:
                    #adding if we are opening braces
                    if(brace == "("):
                        roundbrace = roundbrace + 1
                    if(brace == "["):
                        squarebrace = squarebrace + 1
                    if(brace == "{"):
                        curlybrace = curlybrace + 1
                    #if there are other kinds of open braces yet to be closed, fails.
                    if(brace == ")"):
                        if(squarebrace!=0 and curlybrace!=0):
                            return False
                        else: roundbrace = roundbrace - 1
                    if(brace == "]"):
                        if(roundbrace!=0 and curlybrace!=0):
                            return False
                        else: squarebrace = squarebrace - 1
                    if(brace == "}"):
                        if(squarebrace!=0 and roundbrace!=0):
                            return False
                        else: curlybrace = curlybrace - 1
                #if no failures, return true
                return True

Flood Fill (Easy Graph)

        #Zach Santangelo
        class Solution:
            def solve(self, row, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor):
                # Base Case
                if (row < 0 or row >= n or col < 0 or col >= m or image[row][col] != oldColor or (row,col) in visited):
                    return False;
                #visited[row][col] = True;
                visited.add((row, col))
                #depth first, finds explores all avs before returning to numIslands for it to check next possible set of ij routes
                #Move Top
                top = self.solve(row - 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Right
                right = self.solve (row, col + 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Down
                down = self.solve(row + 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Left
                left = self.solve(row, col - 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                if(not top and not right and not down and not left):
                    return True
            def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, color: int) -> List[List[int]]:
                n = len(image)
                m = len(image[0])
                oldColor = image[sr][sc]
                visited = set()
                if(self.solve(sr, sc, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)):#depth first
                    return image 

Ransom Note (Easy)

        #Zach Santangelo
        class Solution:
            def solve(self, row, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor):
                # Base Case
                if (row < 0 or row >= n or col < 0 or col >= m or image[row][col] != oldColor or (row,col) in visited):
                    return False;
                #visited[row][col] = True;
                visited.add((row, col))
                #depth first, finds explores all avs before returning to numIslands for it to check next possible set of ij routes
                #Move Top
                top = self.solve(row - 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Right
                right = self.solve (row, col + 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Down
                down = self.solve(row + 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Left
                left = self.solve(row, col - 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                if(not top and not right and not down and not left):
                    return True
            def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, color: int) -> List[List[int]]:
                n = len(image)
                m = len(image[0])
                oldColor = image[sr][sc]
                visited = set()
                if(self.solve(sr, sc, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)):#depth first
                    return image 

Valid Anagrams (Easy)

        #Zach Santangelo
        class Solution:
            def solve(self, row, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor):
                # Base Case
                if (row < 0 or row >= n or col < 0 or col >= m or image[row][col] != oldColor or (row,col) in visited):
                    return False;
                #visited[row][col] = True;
                visited.add((row, col))
                #depth first, finds explores all avs before returning to numIslands for it to check next possible set of ij routes
                #Move Top
                top = self.solve(row - 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Right
                right = self.solve (row, col + 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Down
                down = self.solve(row + 1, col, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                #Move Left
                left = self.solve(row, col - 1, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)
                if(not top and not right and not down and not left):
                    return True
            def floodFill(self, image: List[List[int]], sr: int, sc: int, color: int) -> List[List[int]]:
                n = len(image)
                m = len(image[0])
                oldColor = image[sr][sc]
                visited = set()
                if(self.solve(sr, sc, image, visited, n, m, color, oldColor)):#depth first
                    return image